VOLUME 11 , ISSUE 1 ( October, 2014 ) > List of Articles
J.S. Rajkumar, Sai Krishna Vittal
Citation Information : Rajkumar J, Vittal SK. Gut–Endocrine Axis - A Route for Diabetes Cure through Surgery?. 2014; 11 (1):7-11.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10088-11105
License: NA
Published Online: 10-10-2014
Copyright Statement: NA
In this review article, we explain the rationale for achieving remission of Diabetes Mellitus by surgical manipulation of the gut endocrine axis, and present the scientific evidence available thus far in support of the same. The evolution of ‘metabolic’ surgery is presented here. The reduction in mortality and co-morbidity is presented. The two main theories of causation of euglycemia are discussed in detail. Most authors now believe in both the theories, and the gastric bypass and the biliary pancreatic diversion are the procedures with the highest rate of remission. Finally, in the context of reappearance of hyperglycemia, the beneficial effects of a prolonged period of normal blood sugar are discussed.