Indian Journal of Endocrine Surgery and Research

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VOLUME 17 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2022 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Identification of Challenges Faced by Medical Faculties Trained in Curriculum Implementation Support Program in Implementation of New MBBS Curriculum

Pooja Ramakant, Meenakshi Yeola

Keywords : Competency-based medical education, Curriculum implementation support program workshop, Medical curriculum

Citation Information : Ramakant P, Yeola M. Identification of Challenges Faced by Medical Faculties Trained in Curriculum Implementation Support Program in Implementation of New MBBS Curriculum. 2022; 17 (1):4-7.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10088-11180

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 26-06-2022

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2022; The Author(s).


We planned to do a study to document the various challenges faced by medical faculties while implementing the new competency-based curriculum for the medical graduates. The study was planned as a survey, and Google form-based questionnaire was sent to all faculties residing in Uttar Pradesh and who had completed curriculum implementation support program (CISP) workshop from King George's Medical College during years 2019–2020. The questions were designed keeping in mind the relevant issues such as time constraints, resources, team work, coordination, financial constraints, feasibility of practically implementing the new curriculum, and how mature are our students in adapting to the new methods of teaching. Many faculty members could not respond to the questionnaire as they were preoccupied with COVID pandemic crisis management. Majority of the faculties found mild to moderate level of difficulty in understanding the new curriculum. There was mixed response in regard to practical implementation of the new curriculum as 44% found moderate level of difficulty and resistance to adapt to the new system. Forty-three percent faced financial constraints in establishing the skills lab. Fifty-nine percent agreed that they had enough teaching learning methods. Majority found limited manpower, lack of enthusiasm, limited time especially in COVID pandemic, and online mode of teaching methods, lack of adequate resources, and difficulty in coordination as the challenging issues in implementation of the new curriculum. The solutions they suggested were to have regular meetings, listen to the problems and work on solutions, periodically motivate the faculties to adapt to the new system, train all faculties in CISP workshop, and to have short-term and long-term goals well defined to track the progress.

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