VOLUME 12 , ISSUE 1 ( September, 2016 ) > List of Articles
Kuberan Krishnan, Vijayalakshmi Ramanathan, Chandrasekar, Sivakumar Ramasamy
Citation Information : Krishnan K, Ramanathan V, Chandrasekar, Ramasamy S. Dual Ectopia with Absence of Orthotopic Thyroid Gland. 2016; 12 (1):20-21.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10088-11119
License: NA
Published Online: 10-09-2016
Copyright Statement: NA
Ectopic thyroid gland is a rare developmental anomaly of thyroid embryogenesis. Dual thyroid ectopia is even more rare1. Among the dual thyroid ectopia the simultaneous occurrence of lingual thyroid and thyroglossal cyst in the absence orthotopic thyroid gland is even more rare entity. Only three cases have been reported so far. We present a case of dual thyroid ectopia in a 28 year old lady who presented with anterior neck mass, swelling in the posterior one third of tongue with subclinical hypothyroidism.